This has 20th century equations such as Einstein's Relativity equation engraved on a monument.
The document next to it, labeled as coming from 6000 A.D, explains how this came about.

The engraving is not a work of art therefore this must be a concept piece. The concept is unoriginal so what's left is the execution.
Not only is English still a major language four thousand years from now but the vocabulary, grammar, and even typefaces are unchanged. The medium is unchanged. Despite these similarities of communication and point of view the meaning of the most famous equation of the 20th century has been lost. The pristine condition of the work is explained away by calling it "extremely well preserved". This is especially unlikely considering that it is a unique find.
Update: This type of post is why I'm going to abandon this blog. I thought it would be funny to point out the poor ideas behind very expensive items but it isn't.
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